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Monday, July 18, 2011


Our weedy garden.
Our Weedy Garden

I am sure wishing this heatwave would leave and give us a break. Last week was hot (in the 90's F....with the heat index worse) but this week is suppose to be hotter. :(

We may have several days of triple digit heat, and with high humidity it will seem even worse. *sigh* I guess that's summer in the Midwest for ya. I'll just try to be thankful we don't live further south! :)

It'll make for some early mornings, so we can get a couple hours of work in outside, before chore time...as the afternoon will be way to hot to even think of being outside (for us anyway).

Pumpkin's are blooming!
Our Blooming Pumpkins.

DH was working on putting some fence posts in, while I worked in the garden this morning. He was close enough to the garden, that we could talk (yell) back and forth from time to time. I told him I finally saw blooms on the cucumbers (they seem to be slow)...and that there were a bunch on the melons, and then once I got over by the pumpkins I saw they actually had some so excitedly said "There's blooms on the pumpkins now too!". With his bad hearing, he thought I said frost on the pumpkins...after our chuckle we agreed THAT would be nice. LOL

Neither of us can wait till fall gets here! Two weeks of heat, without a little break here or there is just way to much for us...and who knows what next week will bring, it will probably still be way to hot, it is summer after all

Once I had enough of the hoeing which is never ending cause I can't keep up with the grass and weeds, (& it seems like every time I work in the garden I end up with at least one blister on my hands...today was no exception...you would think they would get to where they wouldn't blister, but so far they haven't) I went over and helped him a little bit with the fence. I'm not a whole lot of help, but managed to be a little. I was kinda glad when he had to take a break though...cause of his back & hip...cause we stopped and came inside so he could get a drink and sit down. LOL He rested for a little bit, then it was chore time.

Now I have to get busy inside too, got a lot I need to do this week (as usual) so hopefully I'll manage to get most of it done. Try to stay cool out there! :)


  1. I'm afraid we're all in for more of a haul with that heat wave. I just heard on MSNBC... it's so bad in Oklahoma that roads are buckling... literally. I hope y'all don't get hit any worse.

  2. Love the pics! i wish i had the energy for a garden.. raised cold beds might be nice... do u ever use cold bed frames for growing anything? clare

  3. We tried raised beds, but you have to water them more, least ours you did, so gave up on them. They didn't work for everything we wanted anyway. Besides, need to be able to use the plow and tiller, so we just decided we should do a normal one in the ground. I'm sure some of them would work ok, just not what we did.

  4. All my blogging friends are complaining about the heat, and I am starting to get jealous! We have rain, rain, and MORE rain... And temps in the 60s. I want some SUNSHINE... I hope we get some next week, since we'll be camping!


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