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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Soap Colors

Soap Colors

I said I would show off the different colors of soap I was making a while back, then never did get around to it.

So while I was working at getting some of them wrapped up tonight, I snapped a photo to share! I'm loving the different colors, but then I've always loved color, so it's not surprising. :)

This is just a few of the scents I ended up with, in my last "soaping" round. Now that my drying rack is almost empty again, I'll have to get busy and fill it up! Gotta get more Shampoo bars made soon, and then will see what else I come up with. :)

I'll try to share more of what I've been doing in this area of my life tomorrow...right now I gotta run make something else I just remembered I wanted tomorrow, before bedtime gets here! I've been rather busy again this week. LOL

Hope everyone is having a great week!

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodess! Your soap looks so pretty!!! I'm going to have to share this link with my cousin-in-law, who has just started learning how to make soap. :)



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