Quick update
DH and my Dad have been working on the barn this last week and weekend. I finally managed to get a photo of it this morning, so I could show their progress. It's coming along...but still has a ways to go.
We will be adding on to three sides of it, as we can...as this is a LOT smaller than we are used to, but least it's a start! Hopefully we can add on at least the one lean to for the milk room soon! Till then we will milk in the main part of the barn...it will work fine, just hoping to have more room in there for hay if we can put up small bales next year. :-))
This week Mom and I are doing more canning...worked on grapes the last couple days, canning some jelly and juice to be turned into jelly later when we have more time. We have beets to do this week (hopefully) and maybe some tomato's, if there are some more...they have been kinda slow producing with this hot summer.
We are keeping busy here...hoping to be able to slow down eventually, but...it's nice to see things progressing, and some good food getting stocked up for the winter. :-))

I'm sure the barn will turn out great! It's smart to take it a little bit at a time. :)