A New Season...and A New Outlook
Fall has finally arrived here to our new Hillbilly Hill Farm!
I've been so looking forward to the cooler temps, and we've had them for a week or so now...especially the night time ones! I haven't had to run the air conditioners and have been able to have the windows open, for the fresh air to flow through the house. I love getting that fresh air...it doesn't flow through this house as well as it did our old one, but it does come in so it's been much nicer having that than the air conditioned air...although that's sure nicer than the hot humid air so I can't complain! LOL
If I knew for sure we wouldn't get to hot again, we'd get the air conditioners out of our windows, so we could get better cross ventilation...but hate to do that just in case it does turn warm again for a little bit. I'm sure looking forward to the central air getting installed...but it won't be in time to use it this year I don't think, as it's not scheduled to be put in till the first part of October. Central heat (for backup) and central air will sure be much nicer than the window air and electric baseboard heat that we have now!
I'm just happy fall is basically here!
After the long, hot, dry summer we had, and the long hard move, having to deal with a few people I'd rather never see (or hear from) again, fighting a really BAD case of poison ivy...that I thought would NEVER go away, trying to get the house unpacked and organized (which STILL isn't done *sigh*), Somewhat missing my old home but not the worry that came with it (for fear something would happen to our animals if we were gone...or even while we where there...like had in the past with several goats getting shot over the years), trying to get our new farm ready for the winter, with wood for the furnace and shelters for the animals (which isn't finished yet...still have at least a chicken house to build, if not a calf shed), fighting a mild case of depression from everything that was going on and then the last several days of having a stomach bug that slowed me down I'm so ready for the cool crisp days of fall!
I'm still getting over my stomach bug, but am finally starting to feel more like myself, both in the tummy department AND mentally...my mild depression is lifting. I'm feeling like I can grow to at least like my new home...stairs and all...least once I get a little stronger from being sick, so just walking up them doesn't wear me out. I'm learning to find the blessings in life again, something I've had a little harder time with this summer which is highly unusual cause I've always been able to find the blessings, even if I was kinda down about some things.
Basically, with this new season upon us, a new outlook has also arrived! I don't know why the move was so hard on me this time...maybe I'm just getting to old to adapt as well as I used to, change has never been easy for me...but this time it was downright HARD! I'm thankful God has helped me to finally feel "better" and have to hope and pray my poor family who put up with my extra "moodiness" will forgive me! Not that I don't get moody anyway, but it's seemed worse this summer. LOL
I feel like (some of the time anyway) I was just "hanging on" all summer, fighting to keep my head above water. We had a few fun times, but the JOY in life was gone for a short time...thankfully Peaches seems to have enough Joy to help pull us through. LOL Once I got tired enough (and realized how bad it was getting) of my own "bad mood", I finally started praying for help to get over it, and God has once again answered my prayers! Praise God for being there, and helping me through...and Praise God for the wonderful, understanding Man he gave me to. He may not understand WHY I'm upset (heck I can't say I always do either) but he deals with it and still loves me. That makes me one lucky woman...and is the biggest blessing I have I think!
Now that I'm feeling better, and the blessings are coming to mind again, hopefully I'll be back to my normal self soon! Thats not to say I'm normal (who'd want to be!)...just that least I'm getting back to normal for ME! *giggle*
And NOW...maybe...I can learn to like or even love my new home! There are some things I actually CAN say I like better about it, than my last one...just over all I've not been as happy with it as I'd have liked to be, but it's growing on me, so...maybe one of these days I'll be able to say I love it too. :-))
Least I know I love this area...with the beautiful trees and rolling hills.
***Note to self...next time you wish for a "slow down", make sure you include the desire that it not be because you are sick...that it's just because you get things done that need to be so you have more time to enjoy things, without feeling pushed! *roll eyes*
Anyway...I'm thankful for feeling better...and for the cooler fall temps! Gotta get off here and try to do a little bit today...between resting. Least I feel like doing something again, the last few days I've not, even with the mess getting bigger and bigger in my kitchen! LOL Hubby was a sweetie, and made meals...as well as washing a few dishes, but he didn't "clean" the kitchen, and unless I just don't feel good, I can't STAND it when it gets this bad...so I gotta get it cleaned up! LOL
Hope you all who still visit my blog from time to time are enjoying the new season too! Thanks for hanging in there with me! :-))

I think the difference for you with this move, this time, might have been a sorrow and a need for you to grieve. There was a lot of YOU and GALEN that the two of you left behind. There is a lot that remains back there, that the two of you built from the ground up. And there is a lot of value from the soul that goes into accomplishing such great things. It's kinda like giving birth and raising a child. You've been so busy with getting moved into your new place that you've only had time to allow little squelches of your grief to appear, Deb. You need to find a compromise with your move into your new place, giving time to both, you and Galen, to spend time grieving over letting go of all that the two of you invested in your former home. You will never find a justifiable reason to grasp the joy from such a blessing in your hands right now, a second chance to enjoy all that nourishing pleasure of fulfilling your lives - until both of you take time to grieve - together. You'll be able to say 'good-bye' to that old accomplishment - and move ahead with a fair and refreshed energy for taking on a whole new palette in your life together!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your take on this...I will admit the thought had crossed my mind that it was like I was kinda grieving, but thought that was kinda silly so...moved on. Guess I'll have to think about that idea some more. LOL You are right, we did put a lot of us into that farm...and built it from the ground up, which makes it more special...so leaving it behind probably SHOULD be harder. Thanks for your input! :-))
DeleteI can understand the feeling of sadness. We HAD to move from our old home, because it was MUCH too small for our family of 6... But we had lived there for 10 years, brought home all our babies to that house... It held a lot of good memories, and it was hard to leave it behind... Thankfully, I got to take the memories with me. :)