Last of the canning!
The day Clover had her baby, Mom and I did the last of the years canning! (Not counting broth...which I am in the middle of making more of, as it's a any time of the year thing...or pinto beans, which I'm hoping to can some of soon too, but they are an any time of the year thing so I don't count them! LOL)
Dad planted some pie pumpkins this year, and with the drought they probably didn't do as well as they should have, but they still grew and gave them several. We cut them all up, and pureed them, and got 12 pints for Mom and Dad to make pie and bread with! Mom's bringing the pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, so we will see how they taste then.
I know the puree is sure thicker, than what I got out of the pumpkins we grew last year, so even if you don't get near as much out of pie pumpkins, they sure are the way to go in my opinion! LOL
The photo above shows my Mom getting the jars ready for the canner. It sure was interesting to see the difference between regular pumpkins and pie pumpkins. Now I know pie pumpkins ARE better for cooking with...who knew! :-))

I never knew they had "pie pumpkins". Interesting!