A Neighbor's Gift
For years I've wanted one of those Martin houses that I saw a lot of, as we drove by Amish houses...yes you see them elsewhere, but it seems almost all the Amish have at least one. I've always thought of them as bird apartments...but they always looked so cool I wanted one (or dare I say some?! TEE HEE) of my own.
This winter, DH told me that one of our neighbor's was making one for himself...and hubby also let slip that the neighbor was making one for me too!! Ahhh...can we say NICE!! Both hubby for letting the neighbor know I'd love one, and the neighbor for building it for me!!
I never knew that some of the houses came in four pieces...that were then put on the post, but attached so they can be lowered to be cleaned. I'm not sure how that all works, cause I didn't actually go out and watch them put it up...that's just what hubby told me. I did manage to snap a photo of the pieces on the ground, while the guys were busy elsewhere...but had to go back inside and finish what I was doing, so didn't watch when they came back to put them up.
I guess it's possible (according to what our neighbor said) that they won't get birds in them this year...but hopefully next year they will be found and used!
Anyway, hubby said our neighbor made it for my birthday...and yes this is EARLY, but Martin's have been sighted, so they wanted to get it up.
We sure have been blessed with wonderful neighbors in this move!! The BEST ones we've ever had...and we actually have had a few good ones before. Just not as MANY of them! :-))
Maybe it's the quality of neighbors that I'm so enjoying. We've not had to many neighbors who we KNEW we could count on if we NEEDED help. We had one (maybe two at the end) neighbors in Nebraska I'd have felt somewhat comfortable calling on, had I needed anything when hubby was gone, and even then I think I'd have been more comfortable calling hubbies best friend for help and he lived a few miles away at the time. But here, there is a whole community of people I'd go to for help, not to mention my own family...so we truly have been blessed in this move, even if we do still miss having hubbies best friend closer.
So anyway...sorry, I kinda went off on a tangent a bit there...back to the bird apartment; now I have to work on getting a comfy bench for the back yard, so I can enjoy the warm sunshine from time to time, and watch the birds flying in and out of their new home!! *sigh* Yep...there is ALWAYS something I "need". *giggle* Maybe I'll just put one of our lounge chairs back here...even though it would be more of a pain to move it, when mowing. We will see what happens, as spring and summer progress. :-))
Ohhh....I almost forgot, in all the excitement we've had here the past day or two...I'm pretty sure I heard the frogs a night or two ago. (If you don't know...I LOVE the sound of the frogs in the spring.) They are harder to hear here cause the creek is further from the house. We may still have cool nights...and even some cooler days, but least spring is finally showing it's face here and there! Yippee!!!
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